Hack the LinkedIn Algorithm!

Learn how the LinkedIn algorithm works and get strategies to boost your reach, create effective content, and grow your professional network.

Table of Content


How Does the LinkedIn Algorithm Work?

Understanding the Basics

Strategies to Master the LinkedIn Algorithm

Types of Content That Perform Well on LinkedIn

Important Considerations 




In today's professional landscape, LinkedIn stands out as the premier platform for networking, career growth, and brand building. With over 900 million members globally, LinkedIn offers unique opportunities to connect with industry leaders, share insights, and expand your influence. But with such a vast user base, how does LinkedIn decide which posts to highlight in your feed? The answer lies in the LinkedIn algorithm.

In this guide, you'll gain insights into the key components of the LinkedIn algorithm and the most effective strategies to use, all backed by data and analysis from Brohm's 2024 Algorithm Insight Report. We'll also explore the types of content that perform best on the platform and common pitfalls to avoid.


How Does the LinkedIn Algorithm Work?

The word 'algorithms' might sound like mysterious and complex technology beyond our understanding. However, it's precisely this technology that we need to learn to navigate effectively if we want to succeed on the platform. The LinkedIn algorithm is a sophisticated system designed to deliver the most relevant content to each user, enhancing their experience on the platform. Understanding how this algorithm works is crucial for anyone looking to maximize their reach and engagement on LinkedIn. So, how exactly does the LinkedIn algorithm work? 


Understanding the Basics

At its core, the LinkedIn algorithm is built to prioritize content most likely of interest to its users. Unlike chronological feeds, where posts are displayed in the order they were published, LinkedIn's feed is curated based on the relevance and potential engagement of the content. The algorithm takes into account several factors to determine what appears in your feed:

  1. User Interaction: The algorithm analyzes your interactions on the platform, such as the posts you like, comment on, or share, and uses this data to show you similar content in the future.
  2. Content Quality: LinkedIn's algorithm evaluates the quality of each post. High-quality content that is relevant, professional, and engaging is more likely to be shown to a broader audience.
  3. Network Connections: The algorithm prioritizes content from your first-degree connections (people you are directly connected with) and from people and pages that you frequently interact with.
  4. Engagement Signals: Posts that receive immediate engagement (likes, comments, shares) are more likely to be boosted in the feed, as they signal to LinkedIn that the content is valuable and interesting to a wider audience.


Strategies to Master the LinkedIn Algorithm

Understanding the mechanics of the LinkedIn algorithm is only the first step. To truly leverage LinkedIn for your professional growth, you need to implement strategies that align with the algorithm’s preferences. 

Crafting High-Quality Content

Creating high-quality content is one of the most important aspects of succeeding on LinkedIn. The algorithm rewards posts that provide genuine value to the platform's users. Ensure your content is mobile-friendly, as 88% of users browse LinkedIn on their phones. Here’s how you can craft content that stands out:

  • Focus on Value and Relevance: Your content should address the needs and interests of your audience. Whether it’s an industry update, a thought-provoking article, or practical tips, your posts should be informative and relevant to your network.
  • Use Engaging Visuals: Visual content performs exceptionally well on LinkedIn. Integrate images, infographics, and videos to make your posts more appealing. For instance, a well-designed infographic summarizing industry trends can attract more engagement than a text-only post.
  • Write with Clarity: LinkedIn’s professional audience values content that is easy to read and understand. Use simple language, short paragraphs, and bullet points to enhance readability. Avoid jargon unless it’s commonly understood within your specific industry and audience.
  • Storytelling: Incorporate storytelling elements to make your posts more relatable and engaging. Sharing a personal experience or a case study can make your content more memorable and encourage users to interact.


Maximizing Engagement

Engagement is a critical driver of visibility on LinkedIn. The more your audience interacts with your posts, the more likely the algorithm will push your content to a broader audience. Avoid the "post and ghost" approach. Aim to engage with your audience within the first hour, or at most within 24 hours, to prevent your post from fading due to lack of interaction.

Let's take a look at how to maximize engagement:

  • Thought-Provoking Hook: A 'hook' on LinkedIn is the first few lines of your post, typically a bold and attention-grabbing statement or question. This part is crucial in appealing to your audience to click "see more" and engage with your content. Ensure it sparks conversation and encourages active discussion.
  • Use Calls-to-Action (CTAs): Encourage your audience to take specific actions, such as commenting on your post, sharing their experiences, or even following a link for more information. A well-placed CTA can significantly increase engagement.
  • Respond to Comments: Engagement is a two-way street. When you reply to comments on your posts, it not only boosts the visibility of the post but also strengthens your relationship with your audience. This ongoing interaction can lead to higher engagement rates on future posts. 
  • Leverage LinkedIn Polls: Polls were found to be an excellent way to engage your audience quickly. They provide instant feedback and encourage users to participate with minimal effort. Moreover, the data gathered from polls can be used to create follow-up content that addresses the insights gained. Focus on broader topic as this will reach wider audiences. 

Optimizing for Member Activity

Member activity on LinkedIn greatly influences how your content is distributed. By understanding and aligning with your audience's behavior, you can optimize your content for better visibility.

  • Align with Audience Activity: According to Blom's Algorithm Insight Report, globally the ideal time to post is between 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. For personal profiles, it's best to post on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Company profiles should follow the same schedule but also consider posting on Saturdays. To further optimize your posting times, tools like LinkedIn Analytics can provide insights based on your audience's activity patterns.
  • Engage with Other Posts: Interaction isn’t just about your content. Engaging with posts from your network can increase your visibility. When you like or comment on someone else's post, it can result in a 40% increase in profile visits and a 25% rise in engagement with your own content.
  • Consistent Posting: Regular posting keeps you in the algorithm’s favor. Consistency signals to LinkedIn that you are an active user, which can increase the likelihood of your posts being shown in your connections' feeds. Blom's report suggests posting 3-4 times per week for personal profiles, 3 times per week for smaller companies, and daily for larger companies with 51 or more employees.

Enhancing Content Relevancy

Relevancy is about ensuring your content reaches the right people—those who are most likely to find it valuable. The LinkedIn algorithm uses various signals to determine content relevancy, and you can enhance this through the following strategies:

  • Build a Targeted Network: Connect with professionals who are aligned with your industry, interests, and goals. A more focused network increases the likelihood that your content will be relevant to your connections, leading to better engagement.
  • Use Relevant Keywords and Hashtags: Just like in SEO, using the right keywords and hashtags can help LinkedIn understand the topic of your content and match it with users interested in those topics. Research popular hashtags in your industry and incorporate them naturally into your posts.
  • Leverage LinkedIn’s Targeting Features: LinkedIn offers various targeting options, especially for company pages, to ensure your content reaches the most relevant audience. Use these features to direct your posts to specific demographics, industries, or even job roles.
  • Monitor and Adjust Based on Feedback: Pay attention to how your audience interacts with your content. If certain topics or formats consistently perform better, consider focusing more on those areas. Adjust your content strategy based on the feedback and engagement metrics you observe.


Types of Content That Perform Well on LinkedIn

The type of content you share on LinkedIn affects how it's perceived by your audience and how the LinkedIn algorithm promotes it. Although LinkedIn is a professional network, the platform accommodates various content types, each with unique strengths and best practices. Let's explore the best content to leverage in your LinkedIn: 

Visual Content

In the previous section, we touched on the importance of visual content in your LinkedIn strategy. Now, we'll dive deeper into the role of visual content and introduce various types you can use. On a platform primarily filled with text-based posts, visuals can help your content stand out, grab attention, and communicate information quickly and effectively.


Types of Visual Content:

  • Infographics: Infographics are ideal for breaking down complex information into digestible visuals. They are particularly effective for sharing statistics, trends, and process flows.
  • Images: High-quality images, particularly those featuring people, can humanize your brand and boost engagement. Photos from team events, product showcases, or even well-crafted graphics can make your posts more attractive and engaging.
  • Videos: Video content, whether it’s a short explainer, a product demo, or a vlog, can significantly boost engagement. LinkedIn users spend more time on posts that include video, which in turn increases the likelihood of the content being promoted by the algorithm.
  • Carousels: Carousel posts allow you to share a series of images or slides in a single post, making them perfect for storytelling or showcasing multiple aspects of a product or service. This format boosts click-through rates and captures user attention for longer.

Employee-Centric Content

Employee-centric content highlights the people behind your brand and can greatly increase engagement. It humanizes your company, builds trust with your audience, and encourages employees to advocate for your brand.

Types of Employee-Centric Content:

  • Employee Spotlights: Highlight individual employees, their roles, achievements, and contributions to the company. This not only boosts morale but also allows your audience to connect with your brand on a more personal level. 
  • Behind-the-Scenes Content: Share photos or videos of team events, office life, or team-building activities. This content gives a glimpse into your company culture and fosters a sense of community.
  • Employee-Generated Content: Encourage your employees to share their own stories, experiences, or insights related to their work. When employees post about their work, it extends your brand’s reach to their networks, increasing visibility.

Industry Insights and Timely Updates

Sharing industry insights and timely updates is essential for establishing yourself as a thought leader on LinkedIn. This type of content demonstrates that you are current and engaged with the latest trends, enhancing your credibility and influence in your industry.

Why Industry Insights Work:

  • Demonstrates Expertise: Regularly sharing your thoughts on industry trends and news positions you as an expert in your field. This can help build your professional reputation and attract followers who are interested in your insights.
  • Engages Your Network: Industry insights are inherently interesting to your professional network, as they often relate directly to their own work and challenges. This relevance increases the likelihood of engagement.
  • Drives Conversation: Timely updates on industry news can spark discussions and debates, encouraging more comments and interactions on your posts.


Important Considerations 

When using LinkedIn for professional networking and content marketing, it's essential to be aware of the common mistakes that can drastically reduce your content's visibility and engagement. Here’s what you should avoid:

Using External Links Improperly

LinkedIn deprioritizes posts with external links in the body because they drive users off the platform. To maintain your post’s reach, place external links in the first comment instead (only if you know it won't get lost). Additionally, you can include the link directly for a preview image or edit the post later to add the link while keeping the original preview image.

Begging for Engagement

Explicitly asking for likes, comments, or shares can come across as desperate and unprofessional. Moreover, LinkedIn’s algorithm penalizes posts that beg for engagement, reducing their chances of being widely shared. Focus on creating content that naturally encourages interaction.

Over-optimization and Keyword Stuffing

Avoid cramming your posts with keywords. LinkedIn’s algorithm can flag over-optimized content as low-quality, reducing its visibility. Instead, integrate keywords naturally within your content to maintain readability and relevance.



Mastering the LinkedIn algorithm is all about knowing how the platform works and consistently putting out good, engaging content. To get more eyes on your posts, steer clear of common mistakes like overusing keywords, putting external links in the wrong place, or posting irregularly. Instead, take advantage of LinkedIn’s features, encourage real interactions, and stick to a regular posting routine.

Not sure how to effectively use LinkedIn to grow your professional network and reach your goals? Schedule a consultation with us today, and let’s work together to unlock LinkedIn's full potential for your success!



What is the LinkedIn Algorithm?

The LinkedIn algorithm determines which posts appear in your feed based on relevance, user interactions, and content quality. Its goal is to show users the most engaging and relevant content tailored to their professional interests.

How Does the LinkedIn Algorithm Work?

The algorithm prioritizes posts that generate early engagement, are relevant to your interests, and come from connections you interact with frequently. It also filters out low-quality content, favoring posts that spark meaningful discussions.

How Frequently and When to Post Content on LinkedIn

For optimal visibility, post 2-4 times per week. According to Blom's Algorithm Insight Report, the ideal posting times are between 8 AM and 11 AM, with personal profiles best posting on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, and company profiles also considering Saturdays.

Best Types of Content for the LinkedIn Algorithm

Content that performs well includes question-based posts, industry insights, employee-centric stories, visual content, and interactive polls. These types of posts encourage engagement and align well with LinkedIn’s focus on professional networking.


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